Westlaw Asia Tip- Find cases that have judicially cited another case
Last Published: March 22, 2022
- Click Cases to display the cases search template.
- Click on Show advanced search options to expand all the search fields available.

- Enter a party name or names into the Cases Cited (party) field e.g. If you are looking for Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake - type in Royal Mencap Society Tomlinson-Blake.
- Click Search.

- The search results will display all cases that have judicially considered the case. Click on the Case Analysis link to establish if the case has been significantly cited or cited by the result case.

- Click on the Term arrow to jump to the cited references in the case e.g Significant Cases Cited and/or All Cases Cited.
Note: A case is deemed Significant if it sets out new legal principles, extends the law, applies established principles to a new situation, overturns established legal authority, or is stated by the judge to be of general public importance.